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Be sure to inject only when loading/downloading resources from the server
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The PASSWORD to extract the file is: eulen

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Some useful information:

  • Make sure you have disabled windows defender.
  • Button to open and close EulenMenu: INSERT or ALT+F8
  • Make sure your FiveM is in fullscreen mode.
  • Make sure your FiveM is in release mode. Eulen does not support canary mode. (if you don’t know how to do this, ask me)
  • Make sure your Steam Overlay is working on FiveM. (if you don’t know how to do this, contact us)
  • Register your username using low case
The tool itself is undetectable. It all depends on how you are going to use the functions.
Lua Menus exclusive DOPAMEME/DELUXMEME/FALLOUT, you can also inject any. Lua menu of your choice using our tool.
You can load these menus manually by going to the Lua tab->Executor tab-> Click on ‘load .lua.’
.lua available for download
Tips for not being banned on servers:
– Do not use apparent functions like god mode.
– Some servers can detect explosions. There is no way to stop this, be careful.

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